"As the election approaches, the reporting gets worse — policy issues are pushed aside, the most ludicrous micro-controversies are given front-page treatment, more and more attention is paid to increasingly useless polls and pointless speculation, and they ride into election day on a wave of triviality. ...

The most disheartening thing about all this is how it shows our elite media have learned nothing."

#NewYorkTimes#WashingtonPost#Trump #garbage#MediaFail

"All this, finally, is why America may soon collapse. Because a POTUS who said a very reasonable thing had that thing transmogrified into contemptible disinformation by two unscrupulous far-right billionaires, and a bunch of corporate media outlets under the thumb of unscrupulous billionaires ran with what they saw as a very lucrative non-story-cum-story."

~ Seth Abramson

#NewYorkTimes#WashingtonPost#Trump #garbage#MediaFail
