Christmas tree up? Stockings by the fire? Guys, it’s not even December yet! @thetyee’s Harrison Mooney has a theory on why this year, people seem “desperately festive.” It’s all about control. “If we can’t change the world, we change the world inside our homes,” he writes. “Christmas is perfect for that. Decoration and reorganization reduce stress. Same goes for sugary snacks, or a big glass of eggnog and rum. At Christmas, we look back on happier times and lean into long-held traditions. It’s a way to make the darkest days and darkest timeline bearable.”


“Between 1946 and 1963, lab scientists knowingly exposed at least 1,073 servicemen, dockworkers, lab employees and others to potentially harmful radiation through war games, decontamination tests and medical studies,” @SFPublicPress says. Their investigations center on the U.S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory at San Francisco’s Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, but the lab was one of many across the country doing similar research. That makes it a demonstration of “the ways that people have been seen as disposable, to science or to the military,” said Lindsey Dillon, a University of California assistant professor.

#History @histodons#MilitaryHistory#HumanRights#Newstodon#NewstodonFriday#FollowFriday

'Learning from the Best of Text' by Brian Rushton is a freshly released, free ebook on the history of interactive fiction. On a first glance it looks exhaustive and fascinating.

Download it here (try learning.pdf):

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"You are going to see your candidate subjected to the most blistering, vile & specious personal attacks based on her #race & #gender. The effort, to be sure, is aimed at villainizing her with those who are undecided. But it’s also intended to tear her down in your eyes; to distract & demoralize you; to dampen the high spirits that are driving you toward the one goal that is above all this presidential #election year — winning — which depends on #voting"


"To call a #Black woman a “Jezebel” hearkens back to America’s #racist & #misogynistic #history of casting Black women as insatiably sexual, which served to justify slaveholding men’s systematic sexual #assault of enslaved #women. But for right-wing white #Christians... to say a woman has a “Jezebel spirit” is also to say she is a danger to them, a barely human being hell-bent on seducing men to their destruction"

#KamalaHarris#Harris#Politics#USPol#USA #News