This is an example of Canadian canada values I refuse to allow our conservatives to destroy:

A young man from a war-torn country in Africa came here as a refugee, and had minimal English skills and found a job in a retirement home where I live.
He had to move from his temporary home and was riding a bike 1 1/2 hours each way to work. The weather is cold.
My friend rented him a room (at FAR BELOW the going rate- $450/month room and board) in her home where she resides with her older children. Not only that but she arranged with management here to sync his work shifts with her own and now she provides a ride to and from work free of charge.
I am proud to see my fellow Canadians reaching out and welcoming refugees and going out of their way to assist people without expecting anything in return.

#Canada#Refugee#Immigration #Politics

I can't imagine taking a test online with these virtual tools. I don't envy the people going through university right now.

Worth reading: @pluralistic 's take on how our public universities aren't following rules with privacy assessments.

The Privacy Library's stance on the situation:

#Canada #privacy