OPT-OUT NOTICE: If your account is listed in any Follow Pack and do not want it to be, please message the pack administrator and refer to the pack from which you would like your account removed.
BRIDGE ACCOUNT NOTICE: Packs that include accounts that bridge outside the Fediverse will be identified with a special notice.
REPLIES ON MASTODON NOTICE: Replies include all named accounts. Please edit any replies to remove addresses you do not intend to send the reply.
Criteria: Selected accounts that post regularly on astronomy and space.
Admin: https://mastodon.online/@mastodonmigration
Hashtags: #FollowPack #StarterPack#Astronomy#Space#Astrophysics
Click to upload Astronomy-list.csv: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRA5Aef7KPIlw6unflo2V1DairG-4B7SNgko3Rs3WScj-2BXSqVeksf_-_qmhWdly69jOm8oju6a6Co/pub?output=csv