"As Trump slides in the polls, he is increasingly focusing his campaign on demonizing immigrants, much more than talking about the economy, or any other issue. That’s dangerous, because his fake data about immigration, amplified by Fox News and other right-wing media, may foster more racial discrimination and hate crimes."

~ Andres Oppenheimer

It's all they've got.

#Trump#Republicans #immigrants #race #racism #hate#PoliticsofHate#PoliticsofDivision


#SCOTUS won't allow #LGBT #student #protection in certain states

The U.S. #SupremeCourt declined on Friday to let President Joe #Biden's admin enforce a key part of a new rule protecting LGBT students from #discrimination in #schools & #colleges based on #gender identity in 10 #Republican-led states that had challenged it.

#law#TitleIX #education#Hate#FarRight #extremism#ActivistCourt#SCOTUSreform