
Just for users who make this server their social home:

With the US election just 94 days away...& expected to be one of the most divisive in anyone's memories, we're considering adding three new rules to our server, inspired by Mastodon.social:

Anyone who wants to make comments, please do so in this thread.

No harassment, block evasion, dogpiling, or doxxing of others Repeat attempts to communicate with users who have blocked you or ° creation of accounts solely to harass or insult individuals is strictly prohibited. Coordinated activity to attack other users is prohibited. Posting of private personal information about others is prohibited. Do not share information widely-known to be false and misleading False and misleading information and links from low-quality sources e may not be posted, especially if they are likely to mislead or confuse others or endanger their safety. Content created by others must be attributed, and use of generative Al must be disclosed e Content created by others must clearly provide a reference to the author, creator, or source. For adult content, this should include performers. Accounts may not solely post Al-generated content.
No harassment, block evasion, dogpiling, or doxxing of others Repeat attempts to communicate with users who have blocked you or ° creation of accounts solely to harass or insult individuals is strictly prohibited. Coordinated activity to attack other users is prohibited. Posting of private personal information about others is prohibited. Do not share information widely-known to be false and misleading False and misleading information and links from low-quality sources e may not be posted, especially if they are likely to mislead or confuse others or endanger their safety. Content created by others must be attributed, and use of generative Al must be disclosed e Content created by others must clearly provide a reference to the author, creator, or source. For adult content, this should include performers. Accounts may not solely post Al-generated content.
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@tchambers I like 5, but I think it’s subjective. Is there a a crowd sourced fact-checking org you can reference? “If XXXXX determines it’s false” sort of thing?” And would this rule have crushed couch meme stuff?

And I worry that the last sentence in 6 would define my AI bot @semantic_distorter as in violation. I consider my bot satire and, dare I say it, art. It seems like there’s an “intent to deceive” that should be considered.

@alwirtes : @tchambers I love 5 but I think it's subjective. Is there a source of a fact that controls the organic you can relate to? "If the XXAM determines it's a lie thing?" and this rule will crash the matter of the couch. I’m afraid the last sentence will call my AI as a hit. I consider my botanical satire and dare to say, art. It seems that there is a “choice” to be thought about.
Translated 3 times.

Original text:
@tchambers I like 5, but I think it’s subjective. Is there a a crowd sourced fact-checking org you can reference? “If XXXXX determines it’s false” sort of thing?” And would this rule have crushed couch meme stuff?And I worry that the last sentence would define my AI bot  as in violation. I consider my bot satire and, dare I say it, art. It seems like there’s an “intent to deceive” that should be considered.

Translation Path:
English > Italian > Hebrew > English

The final text used to generate image:
@alwirtes : @tchambers I love 5 but I think it's subjective. Is there a source of a fact that controls the organic you can relate to? "If the XXAM determines it's a lie thing?" and this rule will crash the matter of the couch. I’m afraid the last sentence will call my AI as a hit. I consider my botanical satire and dare to say, art. It seems that there is a “choice” to be thought about.
Translated 3 times. Original text: @tchambers I like 5, but I think it’s subjective. Is there a a crowd sourced fact-checking org you can reference? “If XXXXX determines it’s false” sort of thing?” And would this rule have crushed couch meme stuff?And I worry that the last sentence would define my AI bot as in violation. I consider my bot satire and, dare I say it, art. It seems like there’s an “intent to deceive” that should be considered. Translation Path: English > Italian > Hebrew > English The final text used to generate image: @alwirtes : @tchambers I love 5 but I think it's subjective. Is there a source of a fact that controls the organic you can relate to? "If the XXAM determines it's a lie thing?" and this rule will crash the matter of the couch. I’m afraid the last sentence will call my AI as a hit. I consider my botanical satire and dare to say, art. It seems that there is a “choice” to be thought about.
@tchambers I love the spirit of the second one. I shudder at the complexities of enforcing it. Y'all are far more experienced with this stuff than I am, and I'm sure have spent way more time thinking through the implications of enforcing that rule, but... I dunno... my gut says 90% of cases will be an easy call and the last 10% could be an absolute mess...