@pluralistic Harris saw Beautiful America. Trump thinks beauty is gold-plated, and he owns it. Trump campaigned hoping everyone saw the Ugliness He saw. Reminder: Beauty IS in the Mind of the Beholder.
@pluralistic This should be the first part of a two part panel. This one labeled "American Idealism". The second panel should be only the Nazi and he's punching himself in the face. The label for this panel should read "American Reality".
@pluralistic This unforgettable image represents 1936, where Nazi Germany was supported and supplied by U.S. Multinationals. How ironic. That is the power of mass media.
@pluralistic I just wish more of our country did that, instead of being really *really* smug about abstaining out of some weird deluded idea that this "sends a message" or "resists the system" and will somehow make us not have a president.