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#10yrsago XKCD’s epic, day-long Rosetta mission flipbook https://xkcd.com/1446/

#10yrsago Roca Labs sends abusive, unwarranted DMCA notices to banish negative reviews https://www.techdirt.com/2014/11/12/roca-labs-issues-bogus-dmca-takedown-notices-to-google-to-try-to-hide-pissedconsumer-reviews/

#10yrsago When the FBI told MLK to kill himself (who are they targeting now?) https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/11/fbis-suicide-letter-dr-martin-luther-king-jr-and-dangers-unchecked-surveillance

#10yrsago Cheap dates: the pitiful sums that Big Cable used to buy off the politicians who oversee it https://gizmodo.com/how-much-money-big-cable-gave-the-politicians-who-overs-1657002442


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#5yrsago alt.interoperability.adversarial https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/11/altinteroperabilityadversarial

#5yrsago A woman’s stalker compromised her car’s app, giving him the ability to track and immobilize it https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/11/06/womans-stalker-used-an-app-that-allowed-him-stop-start-track-her-car/

#5yrsago Transcription service rev.com cuts “professional transcriptionists'” effective hourly wage from $6.35 to $4.50 https://gizmodo.com/transcription-platform-rev-slashes-minimum-pay-for-work-1839784941


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#5yrsago Before you ask your Chinese factory for a discount, make sure you won’t be kidnapped and/or have your product cloned https://web.archive.org/web/20191113124342/https://www.chinalawblog.com/2019/11/the-right-way-to-reduce-your-china-product-costs.html

#5yrsago EFF and ACLU triumph as federal judge rules that warrantless, suspicionless device searches at the border are illegal https://www.eff.org/press/releases/federal-court-rules-suspicionless-searches-travelers-phones-and-laptops

#1yrago The (open) web is good, actually https://pluralistic.net/2023/11/13/this-is-for-everyone/#revisiting


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My latest nationally bestselling novel is "The Bezzle," an ice-cold revenge story of high-tech finance crime starring the forensic accountant Martin Hench:


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My latest nonfiction book is "The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation" from Verso Books:


Signed copies available from Book Soup:


Both are national bestsellers!


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My ebooks and audiobooks (from Tor Books, Head of Zeus, McSweeneys, Beacon, Verso and others) are for sale all over the net, but I sell 'em too, and when you buy 'em from me, I earn twice as much and you get books with no DRM and no license "agreements."



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