If a PI finds themself "... beset by people demanding that you confront your privilege, perhaps what's changed isn't those people, but rather the amount of privilege you have."
You can easily find yourself on the wrong side of history.
If a PI finds themself "... beset by people demanding that you confront your privilege, perhaps what's changed isn't those people, but rather the amount of privilege you have."
You can easily find yourself on the wrong side of history.
But, we can't do it alone. We'd love to hear which organisations you think should make the move and why, so we can show them that there is a community waiting here for them.
Better yet, if you have a connection to an important organisation, we'd love to be introduced!
From: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0360319924043957
I'm Hannah and currently working on the research project to understand the role of #Mastodon in #academia during my internship here.
If you haven’t done so already, please consider participating in the project. I would love to hear from you:
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has already participated in the survey! It is really insightful to read your opinions and experiences.
"Instead, they all hold one another hostage, through a wicked collective action problem that holds back science, starves their institutions of funding, and puts their colleagues at risk of imprisonment."
Glad this was covered by @pluralistic
#academia #publishing #publishorperish #copyright
@academicchatter @academicsunite
@academicsunite @academicchatter
#Academia #Macademia #Science
It is one thing that somebody doesn't WRITE their own papers, and another if they don't PROOF-READ their own papers – but a completely different thing altogether if the editors and reviewers don't read/see what's been written in a manuscript! Good lord!
#AcademicMastodon #academia #publishing #academic#science #sciencefiction #sciencemastodon #research #healthcare#LLM#AI#ArtificialInteligence
Academic Twitter was great, & it breaks my heart that the community I found there has done so little to rebuild on Mastodon, even tho Mast is far better. I loved learning abt new research & pubs (& occasionally posting abt my own). A fair # of people migrated to Mast but most didn't stay, at least in my field of literary studies.
What can academics do to build & rebuild academic exchange on Mastodon?
#Academia @LitStudies
We'd love to exchange ideas with you about
➡️ academics’ mastodon use: drivers and hurdles; it's a small #research project we're currently starting;
➡️ #decentralized#SocialMedia in #academia; our #university #library’s perspective;
➡️ applying #OpenScience principles in our #mastodon #communications