"When you have a boss for an app, your real boss gets an accountability sink, a convenient scapegoat that can be blamed for your misery.

The fact that this makes you worse at your job, that it loses your boss money, is no guarantee that you will be spared. Rich people make great marks, and they can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. Markets won't solve this one – but worker power can..." - @pluralistic

https://mamot.fr/@pluralistic/113548349587821374 #business #ai#tech #regulation

if I were the onion, I would immediately turn this loose on the community, minorities, and say, make your own satire website, and we will help you promote it under our brand! This is just amazing! Satire slinger The Onion buys Alex Jones' Infowars at auction with help from Sandy Hook families | AP News https://apnews.com/article/onion-buys-infowars-alex-jones-6496f198d141c991087dcd937b3588e9#Journalism#Business
"Humans in the loop experience "a diminished sense of control, responsibility, and moral agency." That means that they feel less able to override an algorithm – and they feel less morally culpable when they sit by and let the algorithm do its thing..."

This technology is fundamentally harmful, even if some useful applications can be found. Like how certain deadly venoms have medicinal applications.

https://mamot.fr/@pluralistic/113396440337744404#AI#tech #business @pluralistic

#TrumpMedia, which now accounts for roughly HALF of #Trump’s #NetWorth, presents conflicts of interests for TFG, acc/to #ethics experts. While there have been concerns about donors & special interests seeking to curry favor w/the #Republican candidate…, this is the first known instance of a politician helping Trump in a private matter involving his social media #business.

And it shows that as Trump has presented himself as an #immigration hawk, his company has sought #SpecialTreatment….


This is the kind of #enshittification that should get even @pluralistic to raise his eyebrows, Zimmerfield style 😳

Just so we're clear: You can take a 20-year old mouse, plug it into your current computer & it works. These things already last forever; I've never seen one expire. What #Logitech wants to do is END this, putting a locking mechanism in your mouse that you have to pay them to not trigger.

If this isn't illegal, it needs to be.

https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/07/logitech-has-an-idea-for-a-forever-mouse-thatrequires-a-subscription/ #business#tech

"Imagine if Walmart – one of the biggest book-retailers in America – had a policy that said that you could only shelve the books you bought at Walmart on shelves that you also bought at Walmart. Now imagine that Walmart successfully argued that measuring the books you bought from them and using those measurements to create your own compatible book-case violated their IP rights!..." - @pluralistic

https://mastodon.social/@dblume/112874246535619110#IP #business#tech

"The platforms have rigged things so that you must have an account with them in order to function, but they also want to have the unilateral right to kick people off their systems. The combination of these demands represents more power than any company should have, and Big Tech has repeatedly demonstrated its unfitness to wield this kind of power..." @pluralistic

https://dice.camp/@pteryx/112831326650512796#cloud #crowdstrike#tech #business