This is an example of Canadian canada values I refuse to allow our conservatives to destroy:

A young man from a war-torn country in Africa came here as a refugee, and had minimal English skills and found a job in a retirement home where I live.
He had to move from his temporary home and was riding a bike 1 1/2 hours each way to work. The weather is cold.
My friend rented him a room (at FAR BELOW the going rate- $450/month room and board) in her home where she resides with her older children. Not only that but she arranged with management here to sync his work shifts with her own and now she provides a ride to and from work free of charge.
I am proud to see my fellow Canadians reaching out and welcoming refugees and going out of their way to assist people without expecting anything in return.

#Canada#Refugee#Immigration #Politics

“During his first term as president, Donald Trump tested the limits of how he could use the military to achieve policy goals. If given a second term, the Republican and his allies are preparing to go much further, reimagining the military as an all-powerful tool to deploy on U.S. soil.”

#Politics#USPolitics #Election2024#Immigration#NationalSecurity#DomestcUseOfTheMilitary#DemocracyIsOnTheBallot#DemocracyIsOnTheBallot #DemocracyVsAutocracy#TrumpIsUnfitForOffice

#Trump has issued yet another ominous warning about his potential 2nd term, this time promising a "bloody story" for the millions of #immigrants he intends to #deport.

He made the comments at a campaign rally in Wisconsin on Sat, echoing the broader RNC’s 2024 platform. The #GOP's plans for US after a Trump victory include aggressive #immigration enforcement & #MassDeportations.

#ConcentrationCamps#PoliticalViolence#WhiteNationalism #racism#WhiteSupremacy#Project2025


Trump says, “Getting them out will be a bloody story” regarding immigration policy plans

Exec at #Trump Media Jumped the Line for #US#Visa After Company Lobbied #GOP Lawmaker

A fmr aide to Rep #DonBacon, a #Nebraska#Republican, said she intervened on the company’s behalf even though she thought it was #inappropriate. “It was specifically the congressman that suggested I needed to deal with it.”

#immigration #law#ForTheeButNotForMe

A #congress member intervened to help #Trump’s social media company jump the line for a difficult-to-obtain foreign-worker #visa to bring a company exec to the US, acc/to interviews & records reviewed by @ProPublica.

A fmr staffer for Rep #DonBacon, a #Nebraska#Republican, said the congressman personally instructed her to help Trump Media, even though she thought it was inappropriate to mix #politics w/the office’s constituent services duties.

#immigration #law

“I specifically did not want to do this,” Bacon’s fmr director of special projects, Makenzie Cartwright, told ProPublica when asked about emails showing the lawmaker’s intervention. “It was specifically the congressman that suggested I needed to deal with it.”
“Thank you so much for your help on making sure we push this forward,” the company’s chief operating officer wrote to another Bacon staffer in a Jan 2022 email….“I will make sure to thank the congressman as well!”

#immigration #law#Trump

#TrumpMedia, which now accounts for roughly HALF of #Trump’s #NetWorth, presents conflicts of interests for TFG, acc/to #ethics experts. While there have been concerns about donors & special interests seeking to curry favor w/the #Republican candidate…, this is the first known instance of a politician helping Trump in a private matter involving his social media #business.

And it shows that as Trump has presented himself as an #immigration hawk, his company has sought #SpecialTreatment….


Armed and Underground: Inside the Turbulent, Secret World of an American #Militia

Rounding up #migrants. Lists of “friendly” sheriffs. Debating #political assassinations.

Internal messages reveal AP3's journey from Jan. 6 through the tumultuous lead-up to the 2024 #election.

One member predicts: “It’ll be decided at the ammo box.”

#news #election2024 #government #crime #violence #immigration #politics