Choosing MN Gov #TimWalz as her running mate reinforces the move away from clichés about “coastal politics” & “cultural elites.” Instead, she wants to fight on specific, #practical measures #government can take to #ImproveLives, from #FamilyLeave to expansions of #HealthCoverage. Both #Harris & #Walz are speaking a #soothing& — to pick up on #Democrats’ favorite #virtue these days — #joyful language of #patriotism & national #unity.
You could tell the #Trump campaign was thrown off by the #Walz pick when the #GOP’s VP pick, #JDVance, attacked the #camo-wearing, #gun-owning, #smalltown#Midwestern #schoolteacher as a “#SanFrancisco-style #liberal.”
Never mind that #Vance lived in the #BayArea for about 4yrs while Minnesota’s Walz visited the place for the 1st time only last month. The tired misfire speaks to how dependent the GOP is on stereotypes about who “ #liberals” are & what “ #liberalism” means.

#freedom#Ally #joy

“He made #Minnesota the first state in the country to pass a #law providing constitutional #abortion protections after the #SupremeCourt overturned #RoeVWade, & as an avid hunter, he passed a bill requiring #UniversalBackgroundChecks for #gun purchases.

“But what impressed me most about Tim is his deep commitment to his family: Gwen, Gus, & Hope. Doug & I look forward to working w/him & Gwen to build an administration that reflects our shared values.
