From September:
Largely forgotten until now, between 1933 and 1945 hundreds and hundreds of Jewish women and men performed individual acts of resistance in Nazi Germany.

Jews of all ages destroyed Nazi symbols, protested in public, disobeyed Nazi laws and defended themselves against insults and physical attacks.

Pictured: Lizi Rosenfeld, a Jewish woman, sits on a park bench bearing a sign that reads, ‘Only for Aryans,’ in August 1938 in Vienna ⬇️
#histodons @histodons

This #FourthofJuly weekend:
Stop using #nationalism and #patriotism as synonyms.

🇺🇸 Patriotism encompasses devotion to the country as a whole – including all the people who live within it.

🇺🇸 Nationalism refers to devotion to only one group or people over others.

Pictured ⬇️
A 1950 poster shows Superman – a refugee from another planet and a character created by two Jewish immigrants to the U.S. – teaching this lesson to school kids. #USPolitics

VP Kamala Harris gave a resounding speech to over 75,000 people at the Ellipses in Washington, D.C. She will be President for all Americans, and fight on your behalf,

Let’s make that happen!



#Harris is beating #Trump by transcending him
The sudden & radical shift in the trajectory of the 2024 campaign owes to more than the replacement of President Joe #Biden w/MVP #KamalaHarris as the #Democratic candidate. To a degree that’s still not fully appreciated, #Harris has embraced an entirely new strategy: She’s not just pushing back against Donald Trump’s #politics of #cultural #division. She’s bidding to #transcend it.

#democracy #freedom #joy#HarrisWalz2024

Choosing MN Gov #TimWalz as her running mate reinforces the move away from clichés about “coastal politics” & “cultural elites.” Instead, she wants to fight on specific, #practical measures #government can take to #ImproveLives, from #FamilyLeave to expansions of #HealthCoverage. Both #Harris & #Walz are speaking a #soothing& — to pick up on #Democrats’ favorite #virtue these days — #joyful language of #patriotism & national #unity.