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The Conversation exists to inform you, to feed your curiosity and to bring you knowledge to help you understand the world.

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#News #Newstodon

🧵 of some of our most popular posts from the past year:

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From September:
Largely forgotten until now, between 1933 and 1945 hundreds and hundreds of Jewish women and men performed individual acts of resistance in Nazi Germany.

Jews of all ages destroyed Nazi symbols, protested in public, disobeyed Nazi laws and defended themselves against insults and physical attacks.

Pictured: Lizi Rosenfeld, a Jewish woman, sits on a park bench bearing a sign that reads, ‘Only for Aryans,’ in August 1938 in Vienna ⬇️

#histodons @histodons

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This #FourthofJuly weekend:
Stop using #nationalism and #patriotism as synonyms.

🇺🇸 Patriotism encompasses devotion to the country as a whole – including all the people who live within it.

🇺🇸 Nationalism refers to devotion to only one group or people over others.

Pictured ⬇️
A 1950 poster shows Superman – a refugee from another planet and a character created by two Jewish immigrants to the U.S. – teaching this lesson to school kids. #USPolitics

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From last November:
Y'all listening?

Y'all as a second-person plural pronoun is not just “the quintessential Southern pronoun.” A linguist has found uses going back to 1631 in England, hundreds of years before the more recent usages cited by the Oxford English Dictionary.

And its inclusiveness is also gaining new respect, you hear?


#pronouns#YAll#LanguageMastodon#Etymology #words

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Charles Henry Turner was a pioneer in entomology - and he couldn't get a job in higher ed, so he taught high school biology.

"Across his distinguished 33-year career, Turner authored 71 papers and was the first African American to have his research published in the prestigious journal Science."

His simple but elegant experiments in public parks revolutionized understanding of bees.


#BlackHistory#BlackFriday #BlackHistoryMonth @blackmastodon

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