Showing the #Fediverse some love this morning with a new app directory dedicated to #ActivityPub platforms, clients, and tools for easy browsing and discovery:

Users can browse by the various software types with a filter for platform (web, desktop, mobile) and various sort options based on popularity (repo stars), recent development activity, and more.

#software #app #apps #selfhost #selfhosted #selfhosting #mastodon

A few other things to note:

- Shortcuts: '' and ''
- Apologies if I missed anything. By default, I've excluded software that hasn't had any development activity in the last year or two.
- The 'Details' toggle can be used to browse the directory with visible details (or click the background of a tile to view details for a single project)

And lastly, feel free to reach out if you'd like to have a particular piece of software added to the directory!