I worked hard at #dwebcamp .
From the #Fediverse session at #DWebCamp run by @eloquence
Marveling, as so often, how it is that while #covid numbers are as high as they are, maybe just 2 out of every 100 people at the airport and on the plane wear a mask.
In the grand scheme of things, just how much bother is a mask, in comparison?
Imagine the decentralized social media future we all want has arrived, at scale, and it has won over the closed platforms and made them unimportant. How does this actually look like in practice?
Answering this question was the subject of a session we ran at #DWebCamp. Here are he notes what people came up with.
FediTest slides from #dwebcamp are now on-line:
My #FediTest slides from #DWebCamp are now on-line in case you are interested in testing and the #Fediverse.
Notes from @eloquence 's #Fediverse session at #dWebCamphttps://dweb.camp/s/fediverse in case anybody is interested.
Good fediverse session at #DWebCamp today with a dozen folks or so. Among other things, we covered:
- the #Hometown Mastodon fork
- #Phanpy and the many UX innovations it brings to Mastodon
- The #FediForum unconference (September!) and why you should consider participating
- the @gardenfence blocklist and the Mastodon server covenant
@eloquence is running a session on the #Fediverse at #dwebcamp today at 11:30. I'm going to support him. Join us?
Organizers are saying there are 550 adults registered for #DWebCamp that's live right now. Plus a bunch of kids and teens.
And probably more laptops than these redwood forests ever see otherwise.
Apparently #DWebCamp starts in three weeks. Time is passing too fast!
I better check the state of my tent, sleeping bag etc.