This is the kind of person who makes me afraid to leave my house here in my deep red state which is full of guns and assholes. In 2020 or 21, I got into a Lyft, and the driver, an old white man, tried to get me to take off my mask, and insisted the whole thing was fake. I've never taken a ride share since. My chronic illness keeps me inside, but the doubts about other people make that easier than it would be otherwise.
This is the kind of person who makes me afraid to leave my house here in my deep red state which is full of guns and assholes. In 2020 or 21, I got into a Lyft, and the driver, an old white man, tried to get me to take off my mask, and insisted the whole thing was fake. I've never taken a ride share since. My chronic illness keeps me inside, but the doubts about other people make that easier than it would be otherwise.